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Thermal Imager

You can’t view thermal images without a thermal imager. And it’s possible that you are wasting your money if you purchase the wrong one. Even the pricy brands of a thermal imager can miss some types of mold. What if your home was infected with one of those rare types, wouldn’t you want to make sure you had the right thermal imager to find it. Otherwise you would be filled with false confidence that your home was safe when it wasn’t. Just another reason you simply must rely on the professionals at Bust Mold Singapore. They know all about the best thermal imager out there, how to read it and they have it in stock. Don’t waste your time or risk your livelihood on amateurs. A thermal imager is a very complicated piece of equipment and it is the tiny nuances that make a difference in readings. When you look at a brain X-ray you might be able to see a fracture, but a professional neurosurgeon can see a lot more than you. This is because of experience and professionalism. The same exact thing goes for reading a thermal imager.

Contact us

Mold Busters Singapore

60 Ubi Crescent #01-04 Ubi

Techpark Singapore 408569

Tel: (65) 6286 3333

Fax: (65) 6747 7992

E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright 2005-2012 Mold Busters - Mold (mould) Inspection, Testing and Removal Services